2008 Porsche Boxster (987) Cabrio
Stock No:
2008 Porsche Boxster (987) Cabrio
Body: Cabrio
VIN: WP0CB298X8U731583
Trim: S
Drive: RWD
Mileage: 40638
Paint: BLACK (041)
Interior: BLACK (A10)
Eng Size: 3.4L
Eng Code: M97.21
Eng Serial: 67808704
Trans Type: 5 Tip
Trans Code: A87.21
Trans Serial: 1411186
Added: 08/04/22
Tag | Description | Price | Sale Price | On Sale | Condition | Part | Vehicle |
100596 | Good used. - Accelerator control, superseded to 99742302103 | $75.00 | $75.00 | USED - A | 997 423 021 02 | 2008 Porsche Boxster (987) | |
100597 | Good used. Paint code: 041 - Black - Fender | $300.00 | $300.00 | USED - A | 987 503 031 00 GRV | 2008 Porsche Boxster (987) | |
100598 | Good used. - Heat protection, note additional shipping due to size/weight | $75.00 | $75.00 | USED - A | 987 504 405 00 | 2008 Porsche Boxster (987) | |
100599 | Good used. - Titanium metallic | $45.00 | $45.00 | USED - A | 987 504 561 01 9B1 | 2008 Porsche Boxster (987) | |
100600 | Good used. - Satin black | $20.00 | $20.00 | USED - A | 987 504 749 01 01C | 2008 Porsche Boxster (987) | |
100601 | Good used. - Impact absorber plate | $20.00 | $20.00 | USED - A | 987 575 647 01 | 2008 Porsche Boxster (987) | |
100602 | Good used. - reinforcement air duct | $10.00 | $10.00 | USED - A | 987 575 757 00 | 2008 Porsche Boxster (987) | |
100603 | Good used. - air duct inner | $100.00 | $100.00 | USED - A | 987 575 657 00 | 2008 Porsche Boxster (987) | |
100604 | Good used. - Titanium metallic | $85.00 | $85.00 | USED - A | 987 505 553 01 FNP | 2008 Porsche Boxster (987) | |
100606 | Good used. - Bumper shock | $50.00 | $50.00 | USED - A | 997 505 319 00 | 2008 Porsche Boxster (987) |