2000 Porsche Boxster (986) Cabrio

Stock No: 1546

2000 Porsche Boxster (986) Cabrio

Body: Cabrio

VIN: WP0CB2988YU662165

Trim: S

Drive: RWD

Mileage: 100845


Interior: BLACK (A10)

Eng Size: 3..2L

Eng Code: M96.21

Eng Serial: 67Y04988

Trans Type: 5 Tip

Trans Code: A96.20

Trans Serial: 1352614

Added: 01/31/22

Tag Description Price Sale Price On Sale Condition Part Vehicle
92142 Good used. - Return Line, superseded to 99634744907 $200.00 $100.00 USED - A 996 347 449 06 2000 Porsche Boxster (986)
92143 Good used. - Return Line, superseded to 98634743904, 98634743905, 98634743906 $25.00 $12.50 USED - A 986 347 439 03 2000 Porsche Boxster (986)
92145 Good used. - Pressure Line, superseded to 98634744310, 98634744312, 98634744313, 98634744316 $50.00 $25.00 USED - A 986 347 443 09 2000 Porsche Boxster (986)
92147 Good used. - Steering wheel, Black, superseded to 99634780464A28 $250.00 $125.00 USED - A 996 347 804 64 A08 2000 Porsche Boxster (986)
92148 Good used. - Steering column with lower steering shaft $200.00 $100.00 USED - A 996 347 007 09 2000 Porsche Boxster (986)
92149 Good - Used - Steering lock, superseded to 99634701707 $100.00 $50.00 USED - A 996 347 017 06 2000 Porsche Boxster (986)
92152 Good used. - Airbag, Black, superseded to 996803089048YR, 99680308904A08 $300.00 $300.00 USED - A 996 803 089 08 A08 2000 Porsche Boxster (986)
92153 Good used. - Airbag, superseded to 99680307108 $35.00 $17.50 USED - A 996 803 071 07 2000 Porsche Boxster (986)
92154 Good used. - Clockspring, superseded to 99665221301 $75.00 $37.50 USED - A 996 652 213 00 2000 Porsche Boxster (986)
92162 Good - Used - Control arm, superseded to 98633104305, 98633104306, 98633104307 $55.00 $27.50 USED - A 986 331 043 04 2000 Porsche Boxster (986)