2000 Porsche Boxster (986) Cabrio
Stock No:
2000 Porsche Boxster (986) Cabrio
Body: Cabrio
VIN: WP0CB2988YU662165
Trim: S
Drive: RWD
Mileage: 100845
Interior: BLACK (A10)
Eng Size: 3..2L
Eng Code: M96.21
Eng Serial: 67Y04988
Trans Type: 5 Tip
Trans Code: A96.20
Trans Serial: 1352614
Added: 01/31/22
Tag | Description | Price | Sale Price | On Sale | Condition | Part | Vehicle |
92163 | Good used. - Wishbone, superseded to 99634105314, 99634105316, 99634105317 | $50.00 | $25.00 | USED - A | 996 341 053 07 | 2000 Porsche Boxster (986) | |
92164 | Good used. - Track rod, superseded to 99733104504 | $45.00 | $22.50 | USED - A | 996 331 045 12 | 2000 Porsche Boxster (986) | |
92166 | Good - Used - Control arm, superseded to 98633104305, 98633104306, 98633104307 | $55.00 | $27.50 | USED - A | 986 331 043 04 | 2000 Porsche Boxster (986) | |
92167 | Good used. - Wishbone, superseded to 99634105314, 99634105316, 99634105317 | $50.00 | $25.00 | USED - A | 996 341 053 07 | 2000 Porsche Boxster (986) | |
92168 | Good used. - Track rod, superseded to 99733104504 | $45.00 | $22.50 | USED - A | 996 331 045 12 | 2000 Porsche Boxster (986) | |
92171 | Good used - Sway bar, 23.6mm/3.5mm wall thickness | $100.00 | $50.00 | USED - A | 996 343 701 21 | 2000 Porsche Boxster (986) | |
92173 | Good used. - Strut, superseded to 98633103101 | $25.00 | $12.50 | USED - A | 986 331 031 00 | 2000 Porsche Boxster (986) | |
92174 | Good used. - Strut, superseded to 98633103201 | $25.00 | $12.50 | USED - A | 986 331 032 00 | 2000 Porsche Boxster (986) | |
92175 | Good used. - Crossmember, superseded to 98633107110, 98633107111 | $50.00 | $25.00 | USED - A | 986 331 071 09 | 2000 Porsche Boxster (986) | |
92178 | Good used. - Bracket, superseded to 98633116105 | $65.00 | $32.50 | USED - A | 986 331 161 04 | 2000 Porsche Boxster (986) |