2006 Porsche Cayman (987) Coupe
Stock No:
2006 Porsche Cayman (987) Coupe
Body: Coupe
VIN: WP0AB29846U781948
Trim: S
Drive: RWD
Mileage: 66039
Interior: NATURAL BROWN (T11)
Eng Size: 3.4L
Eng Code: M97.21
Eng Serial: 67604955
Trans Type: 6 MT
Trans Code: G87.21
Trans Serial: 0005519
Added: 04/22/22
Tag | Description | Price | Sale Price | On Sale | Condition | Part | Vehicle |
96975 | Good used. - primed | $200.00 | $200.00 | USED - A | 987 504 619 00 G2X | 2006 Porsche Cayman (987) | |
96977 | Good used. - Lower part | $75.00 | $75.00 | USED - A | 987 504 623 00 | 2006 Porsche Cayman (987) | |
96978 | Good used. - Spoiler driving mechanism, superseded to 98750410901 | $150.00 | $150.00 | USED - A | 987 504 109 00 | 2006 Porsche Cayman (987) | |
96979 | Good used. - Actuator cover rear (loc-803-07) | $45.00 | $45.00 | USED - A | 996 624 117 01 | 2006 Porsche Cayman (987) | |
96981 | Good used. May have some cosmetic imperfections with paint but no major damage. - Door | $400.00 | $400.00 | USED - A | 997 531 011 04 GRV | 2006 Porsche Cayman (987) | |
96982 | Good used. May have some cosmetic imperfections with paint but no major damage. - Door | $400.00 | $400.00 | USED - A | 997 531 012 04 GRV | 2006 Porsche Cayman (987) | |
96983 | Good used. - Door catch | $25.00 | $25.00 | USED - A | 997 537 151 02 | 2006 Porsche Cayman (987) | |
96984 | Good used. - support satin black | $15.00 | $15.00 | USED - A | 997 537 331 00 01C | 2006 Porsche Cayman (987) | |
96985 | Good used. - support satin black | $15.00 | $15.00 | USED - A | 997 537 332 00 01C | 2006 Porsche Cayman (987) | |
96986 | Good used. - Striker | $15.00 | $15.00 | USED - A | 3C0837767A | 2006 Porsche Cayman (987) |